This bag is the original version of the Hoover "A" bag. Single layer bag.
Recommend you purchase the Generic version "A" bag which is cheaper and is actually a two layer bag for better filtration.
Suitable for: Hoover Concept One, Concept Two, Convertible (Top Fill), Elite, Encore, Futura, Soft & Light, Legacy, Preferred, PowerMax, Supremacy, Runabout, Spectrum, Spirit, Tempo, Decade 800, Decade 80, RS, Constellation, TurboPower 1500, 2000, 2200, 3000, 3200, 4000, 4200, Innovation models including C1631, C1632, C1800, C1800020, C1805, C1810, C1810020, C1815, CH50015, CH50020
For optimum performance:
- Change your vacuum bag every 2 to 3 months to maximize cleaning and keep your home free of dirt and dust.
- Change vacuum bags before they are full in order to keep your vacuum running efficiently.
SKU 202